Do You Need a Thermostat Adjustment?

Got an old school thermostat? Not cool. It could be wasting energy and making your home less comfortable.


Old school can be cool. Vintage turntable stereos and rotary phones have their own vibe. If you've got an old-style thermostat hanging around your house, however, it's probably wasting energy and costing you money. Definitely not cool. Maybe it's time for an upgrade.

The trouble with thermostats

Adjusting the thermostat at night or when you're not at home is one of the most effective ways to reduce your energy bills. With that old thermostat, however, it's not easy. You have to manually adjust it every time and you might forget, wasting energy or reducing comfort. Programmable thermostats have been around for decades, but many find them difficult to use. They essentially become a manual thermostat with a lot of fancy buttons.

A smarter way to save

Today's Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats come with a number of smart features that optimize savings while adding convenience, making it much easier for you to get with the program. Although individual models vary, capabilities commonly found in smart thermostats include:

  • Remote control. Wi-Fi capability allows you to control your heating and cooling remotely through your mobile device.
  • Geofencing. The thermostat senses when you're nearing home and automatically adjusts temperatures to your liking.
  • Learning. Some smart models learn your preferences and establish a schedule to save energy and optimize comfort based on your lifestyle.

Smart thermostats typically cost more to install than standard models, but they more than pay for themselves in energy savings, comfort and convenience.

Convinced? Make sure your new unit is ENERGY STAR®-rated. ENERGY STAR smart thermostats are independently certified to provide energy savings. Also, remember to have your heating and cooling system inspected once a year by a qualified professional, helping to ensure that the system is operating at peak performance.