5 Things You Should Know About Mold

Mold is ugly, but the problems don't stop there. Here are five things you need to know about mold in your home.


Mold is that icky black stuff that appears in your basement, bathroom or other areas of your home where moisture is present. Mold is more than just unsightly, however. It can be difficult and costly to control, and it can be a sign of other problems in your home.

Here are five things you should know about this far-reaching fungus.

1. Mold is all wet.

Moisture leaks and humidity problems can lead to the growth of mold in your home.

2. Mold can be hazardous to your health.

Mold can exacerbate a variety of health problems including allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions.

3. Molds can be found almost anywhere.

Mold can grow on virtually any substance where moisture is present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet and foods.

4. Mold can damage your home.

Moisture and humidity that leads to mold can cause structural damage to your home, such as rot in building materials, that can lead to costly repairs.

5. Mold is resilient.

There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores indoors. The way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture.

Controlling mold problems

You can fight the growth of mold. Identify the source of the problem and eliminate it quickly.

Leaky roof.

If you have a damp attic or water stain on your ceiling, you may have a leaky roof. Hire a roofing contractor to locate the leak and repair it.

Dripping faucet.

Don't ignore that dripping noise coming from your sink, toilet or shower. Fix the leak yourself if you are comfortable doing it, or contact a plumber.

Indoor humidity.

Indoor humidity levels of 30% to 50% are ideal, but normal daily activities such as showering, cooking and drying clothes can increase humidity, providing a source of mold. Keep humidity under control by:

If you have substantial mold growth or structural issues caused by moisture, consult with a qualified mold-remediation specialist or a contractor experienced in repairing moisture-related damage.